Thinking Activity - A Tale of a Tub by Johnathan Swift
Hello and welcome,
This task was assigned by Vaidehi Haryanvi ma'am (assi. professor English department MKBU)
To have better understanding of this blog kindly check teacher's blog- Vaidehi ma'am's blog
Digression, which means going off-topic or talking about something unrelated, can have its place in conversation and writing. It's a bit like taking a detour when you're on a road trip. Sometimes, it can help by giving more information or making a point more interesting.
But, too much of it can be like getting lost on that detour and forgetting the main road. It can confuse people and make them lose sight of your main message. So, it's important to find a balance.
Furthermore, digression is like a seasoning in your writing or talking. A little can enhance the flavor, but too much can ruin the dish. It depends on what you're trying to achieve so ,it's necessary to always consider your audience and your main message when deciding how far to go off-topic.
Identify any one movie/web series/song/poem/novel which talks about the sensitive topic like religion. Write in brief about it and explain what kind questions are raised through that work.
"PK" is a Bollywood movie that came out in 2014. It tells the story of an alien named PK, played by Aamir Khan, who arrives on Earth. The movie explores how PK questions and tries to understand human beliefs, especially in the context of religion and faith.
The film got people talking and raised a bunch of important questions. It made us think about how people from different religions can live together peacefully. It also made us wonder if some of our beliefs are blindly followed without really thinking about them. "PK" showed some practices that might seem strange, and it made us ask why we do them.
The movie also looked at the role of religious leaders and their influence on people's beliefs. It made us question if these leaders are doing the right thing. PK's journey to understand Earth's beliefs raised questions about who we are and how our beliefs shape us.
But "PK" didn't come without controversy. Some people didn't like how it showed certain things, and it made us wonder about how much freedom artists should have and if there should be limits on what they can show.
"PK" is a movie that made us think about religion, beliefs, unity, and the influence of religious leaders, all through the story of an alien trying to understand our world. It sparked discussions and made us ask questions about these important topics.
Gracias 🙏
Come again.
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