Romantic Revival
What is Romantic Revival ?
The romantic revival movement of the 19th century brought forth a renewed appreciation for nature, emotion, and individualism in art and literature. Through its emphasis on passionate expression and connection with the natural world . This movement continues to inspire and influence creators to explore the depths of human emotion and the beauty of the world around us.
How it started :
The Romantic Revival was a revolt against the neoclassical spirit. The classic era was outlived and a change was must needed. The first initiative of Romantic era can be seen in the work of James Thomson, 'The Season'. Then many started floating in this flow. Like Burns, Crabbe, and Cowper also contributed to the incipient revolt against the neoclassical traditions. Among the early romantics, William Blake was the most revolutionary and his two publications ‘Songs of Innocence’ (1789) and ‘Songs of Experiences’ (1794) were landmarks in the evolution of the romantic spirit in English poetry. These poets are called ‘the transition poets’ because they represented a period just before the great romantics.
Lyrical ballads is considered a landmark in romantic revival. It was a collaborative work published by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge in year 1798. In the second edition of Lyrical ballads there was a preface written by William Wordsworth. It is considered as manifesto of Romantic age. You can read preface to Lyrics ballads through link given below this blog.
Events that create the base of romanticism
The French Revolution (1789 – 1799)
The American Revolution (1775 – 1783)
The Napoleonic War (1796 – 1815).
Characteristics of Romantic period:
- Emotion and passion
- The critique of progress
- A return to the past
- An awe of nature
- The idealization of women
- The purity of childhood
-The search for subjective truth
- The celebration of the individual
- A break from convention
- Spirituality and the occult
The romantic revival movement of the
19th century brought forth a renewed appreciation for nature, emotion, and individualism
in art and literature. Through its emphasis on passionate expression and
connection with the natural world . This movement continues to inspire
and influence creators to explore the depths of human emotion and the beauty of
the world around us.
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History of english literature by william j long .
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